I bought this blanket for my daughter as a replacement for the orange/red one she bought for herself which went to the dry cleaners after 6 months, but which got washed in water and shrank. We both wailed. I bit the bullet and bought another because she was so upset and it was so beautiful. Sadly after one weekend our domestic thought it needed a clean, and took it upon herself to washed it by hand in cold water. Result: another shrunken wool blanket. I did that hysterical laugh that you do when you can’t believe something has happened. THESE BLANKETS ARE DRY CLEAN ONLY. Because by now I had gone crazy I ordered a third blanket. That’s 3. Three. And they aren’t cheap. (Different colours, but still.) Don’t tell my husband please; he keeps asking why it’s baked beans on bread for supper again. But hopefully it is proof of how absolutely lovely these throws are. Soft and warm.